Tenant Screening

Standard Tenant Screening

If you plan on using AmerUSA.net only a few times a year or need credit results fast (today), this is the most common option for the individual landlord.

Based on official credit scoring algorithms for underwriting tenant applications, a standard account enables the individual landlord to receive a credit decision without having to comply with the mandatory office site inspection required by all major credit bureaus. The standard report is as close as you can get to a full credit report typically offered to professional account holders. However, this report is a highlighted format that does not expose account numbers or other identifiers such as creditor names for open credit cards and loans.

Sign up today and make an informed decision.

  • FREE Registration
  • Account Setup in Minutes Online
  • Instant Results 24 hours a Day
  • No Site Inspection Required
  • Credit Decision
  • Credit Scoring
  • SSN (Matching)
  • Last Reported Payment Status
  • Mortgage History
  • Civil Judgments (Including Landlord)
  • Bankruptcy Filings & Tax Liens
  • Utility & Returned Check Collections
  • Plus many more optional services



Professional Tenant Screening

If you require access to an entire tenant credit report so you can personally review all of its contents and coding, then a professional account offering instant online access 24/7 is what you’ll need, but you must allow 3-5 days to set up your account.

All landlords and agents are required by the credit bureaus to complete a registration packet and undergo a site inspection of where you will be pulling credit reports and storing them. An inspector will visit either a home or commercial office to verify the landlord’s or agent’s identity and the existence of a lockable drawer or filing cabinet. Files will not be inspected.

There are no minimum requirements for this account and most property management companies are eligible (individuals/sole proprietors must have a real estate license). There’s a onetime inspection fee of $75 to cover the cost of the credit bureau approved inspector to visit your location.